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Our practices » Intellectual property »

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Gửi lúc 21:22' 17/02/2012
Intellectual property
Our services include research and advice on IP laws, filing and prosecution of applications for trademarks, designs, patents, copyright and Internet domain names; availability searches, assignments and renewals; initiating procedures for oppositions and cancellations; negotiation and drafting of contracts on licensing, technology transfer, franchising and distribution; and taking enforcement and anti-counterfeit action. We also assist clients in IP right enforcement by providing monitoring and “watching” services in respect of infringements and counterfeit of clients’ IP rights. Our main services include, but not limited to:

1. Inventions Protection

Our service consists of preparation and prosecution of national or PCT applications to file for inventions/utility models in Vietnam and other countries. With our experienced patent attorneys, we provide also service of writing patent specifications of high quality, meeting complicated standards as required by the IP law as well as minimizing possible violation of exclusive rights later on.
With our well-trained specialists in relevant technical fields, we provide service of translation of patent descriptions with high quality at most competitive timing and price. In addition, our service also includes search, free use search and opinion on patentability.

2. Trademarks Protection
Our service concerning the establishment of trademark rights consists of:
 - Trademark designs;
 - Opinion on trademark registrability;
 -  Advice on protection of trademark in most economical and effective ways;
 -  Filing applications on behalf of holders;
 -  Monitoring and reminding holders of trademark renewals.
Our trademark service is extended to other countries in the region and the world, such as: filing in Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and filing international applications under Madrid Agreement or Madrid Protocol
3. Industrial Design

VIETIN provide the following services: 
- Providing advice  on legal matters related to industrial design prosecution and protection;
- Giving opinion on the registrability and use of industrial design;
- Conducting industrial searches on the registrability  and use of industrial design;
- Filing applications for the registration of industrial designs;
- Providing advice on and proceeding with the recordal of assignment of pending industrial design applications;
- Providing advice on and proceeding with the recordal of changes concerning pending  industrial design applications,  such as  the name or address of the applicants;
- Providing advice on, and proceeding with the recordal of changes concerning the granted Certificates of industrial design registration based on the ownership assignment and merger; or recordal of change of name and address of the owner of the Protection Title.
- Providing advice and representing clients in works concerning the renewal of the validity of design patents. 

4. Copyrights Protection

Copyright is comprised of personal rights and economic rights to a work. These rights shall be raised from the moment at which the work is created in a certain form. In order to protect holders of copyrights from violations which are rampant in Vietnam, our service in this field consists of:
- Filing applications for copyright registration;
- Advising on copyright to computer software;
- Advising on protection of related rights;
- Act on behalf of authors to negotiate the use of musical, literary, cinematographic works;
- Dealing with infringements of copyrights.

5. IPR Licensing, Franchising and Technology Transfer
VIETIN has assisted a number of over-sea clients in contract document preparation, negotiation and administrative procedure for recordal at the State competent authorities to licensing and/or assignment agreements of industrial property rights, franchising contracts and technology transfer contracts 

Advise contents and procedures on registering technology transfer agreements, IPR license agreement; bargain under clients’ authorization. Monitor abidance of one party on such agreement and give opinion on any violation raised; Conduct IPR enforcement.
6. IPR Dispute Resolution and Enforcement
The number of dispute related to IPR increases so rapidly in Vietnam. VIETIN having deep experience shall sufficiently help client to handle with infringement, IPR violation for ensuring business activities and for controlling Vietnam’s market. 

In order to assist the owner of IPR to exclusively use this protected IP subjects, VIETIN can, if authorized by the client, request the competent authorities to force the infringers to stop the infringement acts and compensate the damages resulted from infringement.

VIETIN will, if authorized by the client, collects the evidences of infringement and carry out the necessary procedures to request the State competent authorities like the Market Management Bureau, Police on Economic Crime, Specialist Inspectors, Customers, Courts, People Committee at all level depending on the grade of the case, to deal with it accordingly all for the final purpose to prevent and suspend the infringement and ensure the IPR of the owner in accordance with the prevailing stipulations.

VIETIN provides with the services to help the client find out and watch the infringement acts over the IPR, advise it to the client as well as consult the measures to solve (such as require the infringer to stop the infringement; request the competent authority to deal with the case in accordance with the prevailing laws).

VIETIN takes part as lawyers to protect clients’ interests in civil proceedings at courts involving commerce and intellectual property disputes; collects the evidences and analyzes evidences in order to best protect clients’ interests.

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