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Our practices » Dispute resolution »

Số lượt xem: 1774
Gửi lúc 21:26' 17/02/2012
Dispute resolution
VIETIN has considerable experience in commercial and contractual litigation as well as civil litigation including enforcement of the judgments of courts and arbitrators. VIETIN offers skilled and effective counsel in litigation and is able to serve each client’s interests with personal attention and utmost confidence. Our services including but not limited to:
- Reviewing and analyzing the dispute with analysis of its strengths, weakness and possible risks; offering solution and potential means of resolving the disputes.
- Reviewing and offering advice on existing documents related to disputes, including proofs and evidence;
- Drafting and preparing necessary documents, including claims, counter-claims;
- Representing clients in the negotiation and meditation of disputes with third parties;
- Acting as defense counsel of clients before courts and arbitration bodies in Vietnam at all.
VIETIN represented MVI in its claim for cancellation progress of arbitral award issued by the Vietnam international arbitration centre (VIAC) regarding construction contract. VIETIN also represented customer groups for refund because these customers are not satisfied with their bought apartments.

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